Franziska Denk, Group Leader
Besides working on our research, I am very keen on fostering open, reproducible and interdisciplinary science.
I am Co-Director of a Wellcome Trust funded PhD Training Programme in Neuro-immune Interactions and am passionate about data sharing. Check out our resources page for many exciting RNA-seq web-tools relevant to pain and neuro-immune research.
My lab is keen to engage with diverse stakeholders in pain research, such as charities and industrial partners. For instance, I am a member of Scientific Advisory Boards for Ataxia UK and Cellectricon.
Academic Background
2009- 2017: Postdoctoral research with Prof Stephen McMahon (King's College London)
2005 - 2009: Wellcome-Trust funded DPhil in Neuroscience (Supervisor: Prof Richard Wade-Martins, University of Oxford)
2004 - 2005: MSc in Neuroscience (New College, University of Oxford)
2001 - 2004: BA in Experimental Psychology (St. Hilda's College, University Oxford)
Isabella Noelle Chiong, PhD student
My PhD project is on the role of neuro-immune-epithelial interactions in the initiation of Parkinson’s Disease within the gut. For this, I am co-supervised by Dr Joana Neves.
Academic Background
I graduated from University College London with a BSc in Biomedical Sciences in 2018. I then returned to Hong Kong to work as a junior research assistant in the Chinese University of Hong Kong for 9 months, before commencing my Masters of Research in Brain Sciences at UCL in 2019 where I developed my interest for neuroimmunology.
George Goodwin, Postdoc Fellow
I am interested in understanding peripheral pain mechanisms. To study this, I mostly use in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiological and imaging techniques.
I have recently obtained MRC funding to study spontaneous sensory neuron activity in musculoskeletal pain conditions, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Academic Background
2018-2021: Postdoc in Prof. Stephen McMahon’s group - WCARD, King’s College London
2014-2018: Neuroscience PhD in Prof Andrew Dilley’s group - Brighton and Sussex Medical School
2011 – 2012: Industry Placement - AstraZeneca, Safety Pharmacology, Alderley Park
2009-2013: MSci Pharmacology - University of Bristol
Yuening Li, PhD student
My PhD project is on the bi-directional communication between neurons, immune and stromal cells in rheumatoid arthritis. For this, I am co-supervised by Prof Leonie Taams.
Academic Background
I completed my BSc in Biological Sciences at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in China, before moving on to an MSc Neuroscience at University College London.
Amy Lock, PhD student
My PhD project is looking at the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying pain and pruritus in keloid scars. For this, I am co-supervised by Dr Tanya Shaw.
Academic Background
2021-present: MRC DTP PhD at King’s College London
2020-2021: MRes in Biomedical and Translational Sciences, King’s College London
2019-2020: Research Assistant at Haoma Medica (Biotech)
2014-2018: BSc in Natural Sciences (with industrial placement), University of Bath
Alina-Cristina Marin, Postdoc
I am a sensory systems neuroscientist passionate about all things home cage behaviour, using naturalistic sensory landscapes and automation of behavioural tasks. My research also involves in vivo calcium imaging of neurons in the dorsal root ganglion.
I am passionate about Research Culture, Credibility in Neuroscience, Animal Welfare and Open Science.
Academic Background
2017-2022: PhD in Neuroscience at Francis Crick Institute / UCL, supervised by Prof Andreas Schaefer
2013-2017: BSc (Hons) in Neuroscience, University of Glasgow
Takunda Ngwenya, PhD Student
My PhD project focuses on keloid scars, specifically on characterizing and understanding the itch sensations that are often experienced by those living with keloids. For this, I am co-supervised by Dr Tanya Shaw.
Academic Background
2021-2023: MSc Medicine (Chemical Biology) by research, University of Cape Town
2015-2018: BSc Honours in Applied Biosciences and Biotechnology (with industrial placement), Midlands State University
Sara Villa, Postdoc Fellow
My work is focused on the study of neuronal enhancers in the sensory nervous system.
For this, I'm using different sequencing technologies after sorting neurons from dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord.
Academic Background
2017-2018: Postdoc at LMB-MRC, Cambridge University (PI: Joe Yeeles)
2012-2017: PhD at the Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics, Salamanca & the Centre for Biological Research, Madrid (Supervisor: Prof Rodrigo Bermejo)
2011-2012: MSc in Cancer Biology and Clinics (Cancer Research Centre, Salamanca, Spain)
2005-2011: BSc in Biology (University of Salamanca, Spain)
Julia Vlachaki Walker, Postdoc
My project focuses on investigating the involvement of fibroblasts in the development of chronic pain, with a focus on rheumatoid arthritis.
For this I am using inflammatory arthritis models and flow cytometry/FACS techniques to study the changes in cellular composition in the knee joint.
Academic Background
2018-2023: PhD on Inflammation & Obesity, Imperial College London (PI: Chris Schiering)
2013-2018: Research Technician & part-time MPhil in Medical Studies, University of Dundee & University of Exeter (PI: Craig Beall)
2012-2013: Research Technician, University of Dundee (PI: Will Fuller)
2009-2012: BSc (Hons) in Neuroscience, University of Dundee
Irene Zebochin, PhD student
My PhD project is looking at how pericytes can influence sensory neurons and chronic pain in rheumatoid arthritis. For this, I am using a combination of animal models and human in vitro systems. My pronouns are they/them.
Academic Background
2022-2023: MScR Integrative Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh
2019-2022: BSc Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh
Past Team Members:
Dongchan Choi, PhD student
Isabella Doria Durazzo, Research Assistant
Laura Fedele, Postdoc