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Villa S, Vlachaki Walker J, Hore Z, Fedele L, Zebochin I, Li Y, Davis H, Kanda T, Shimizu F, Taams L, Denk F (2024) A role for fibroblast and mural cell subsets in models of neuropathic pain. bioRxiv

Villa S, Aasvang EK, Attal N, Baron R, Bourinet E, Calvo M, Finnerup NB, Galosi E, Hockley JRF, Karlsson P, Kemp H, Körner J, Kutafina E, Lampert A, Mürk M, Nochi Z, Price TJ, Rice ASC, Sommer C, Taba P, Themistocleous AC, Treede RD, Truini A, Üçeyler N, Bennett DL*, Schmid AB*, Denk F* (2024). Harmonizing neuropathic pain research: outcomes of the London consensus meeting on peripheral tissue studies. Pain. Oct 16. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003445

Goodwin GL, Marin AC, Vlachaki Walker J, Hobbs C, Denk F (2024). Using in vivo calcium imaging and home cage behavioural analysis to study pain in mouse models of rheumatoid- and osteo-arthritis. bioRxiv

Rutter-Locher Z, Kirkham BW, Bannister K, Bennett DL, Buckley CD, Taams LS*, Denk F* (2024). An interdisciplinary perspective on peripheral drivers of pain in rheumatoid arthritis. Nature Reviews Rheumatology.

Li Y, Gray EH, Ross R, Zebochin I, Lock A, Fedele L, Kamajaya LJ, Marrow RJ, Ryan S, Röderer P, Brüstle O, John S, Denk F*, Taams L* (2024). Blockade of rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid-induced sensory neuron activation by JAK inhibitors. bioRxiv

Li Y*, Lock A*, Fedele L*, Zebochin I, Sabate A, Siddle M, Cainarca S, Röderer P, Montag K, Tarroni P, Brüstle O, Shaw T, Taams L, Denk F (2024). Modelling inflammation-induced peripheral sensitization in a dish – more complex than expected? Pain, in press; preprint on bioRxiv

Sandy-Hindmarch OP, Chang PS, Scheuren PS, De Schoenmacker I, Hubli M, Loizou C, Wirth S, Mahadevan D, Wiberg A, Furniss D, Denk F, Baskozos G, Schmid A (2023). The Molecular Signature of Neuropathic Pain in a Human Model System. Pain. 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003472

Hore Z, Royds J, Abuukar Abdullahi R, Lampa J, Al-Kaisy A, Denk F (2023). Cerebrospinal fluid immune cells appear similar across neuropathic and non-neuropathic pain conditions. Wellcome Open Res 2023, 8:493.

Rutter-Locher Z, Norton S, Denk F, McMahon SB, Taams LS, Bannister K, Kirkham B (2023). A randomised controlled trial of the effect of intra-articular lidocaine on pain scores in inflammatory arthritis. Pain. 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003291

Soliman N, Denk F (2023). Practical approaches to improving translatability and reproducibility in preclinical pain research. Brain, Behaviour, and Immunity 115 (38-42).

Bell AM, Utting C, Dickie AC, Kucharczyk MW, Quillet R, Gutierrez-Mecinas M, Razlan AMN, Cooper AH, Lan Y, Hachisuka J, Weir GA, Bannister K, Watanabe M, Kania A, Hoon MA, Macaulay IC, Denk F, Todd AJ (2023). Deep sequencing of Phox2a nuclei reveals five classes of anterolateral system neurons. PNAS, 121 (23) e2314213121.

Choi D, Goodwin G, Stevens EB, Soliman N, Namer B, Denk F (2023). Spontaneous activity in peripheral sensory nerves – a systematic review. Pain, Nov 22.

Ingram SL, Chisholm K, Wang F, De Koninck Y, Denk F, Goodwin G (2023). Assessing spontaneous sensory neuron activity using in vivo calcium imaging. Pain, Nov 23.

Jager SE, Goodwin G, Chisholm K, Denk F (2023). In vivo calcium imaging shows that satellite glial cells have increased activity in painful states. Brain Communications, fcae013.

Cobo M, Green G, Andritsou F, Baxter L, Evans Fry R, Grabbe A, Gursul D, Hoskin A, Schmidt Mellado G, van der Vaart M, Adams E, Bhatt A, Denk F, Hartley C, Slater R (2022). Early life inflammation is associated with spinal cord excitability and nociceptive sensitivity in human infants. Nat Comms 13(1),3943.

Denk F (2022). Remembering Stephen McMahon, a great electrophysiologist, innovator and mentor. Nat Neurosci 25, 129–130 (2022).

Peer Review Week 2022: an interview with Franziska Denk and Katryn Stacey about their views on research integrity as scientists and reviewers. Comms Biol 5(971).

Jager SE, Pallesen, LT, Lin L, Izzi F, Pinheiro AM, Villa-Hernandez S, Cesare P, Vaegter CB, Denk F (2022). Comparative transcriptional analysis of satellite glial cell injury response. Wellcome Open Res, 7:156.

Denk F (2021). TRPC5 and the path towards analgesic drug development. Trends in Neurosciences, Jul 14.

Hore Z, Villa S, Denk F (2021). Probing the peripheral immune response in mouse models of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy highlights their limited translatability. Wellcome Open Res, 6:68.

Shinotsuka N, Denk F (2021). Fibroblasts – the neglected cell type in peripheral sensitization and chronic pain? A review based on a systematic search of the literature. BMJ Open Science, 6:e100235.

Goodwin G, McMurray S, Stevens EB, Denk F, McMahon SB (2021). Examination of the contribution of Nav1.7 to axonal propagation in nociceptors. Pain, 163(7):e869-e881.

Liang Z*, Hore Z*, Harley P, Uchenna Stanley F, Michrowska A, Dahiya M, La Russa F, Jager SE, Villa-Hernandez S, Denk F (2020). A transcriptional toolbox for exploring peripheral neuro-immune interactions. Pain, 161(9), 2089-2106. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001914

Chakrabarti S, Hore Z, Pattison LA, Lalnunhlimi S, Bhebhe CN , Callejo G, Bulmer DC, Taams LS, Denk F, St John Smith E (2020). Sensitization of Knee-Innervating Sensory Neurons by Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Activated Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes: An in Vitro, Co-Culture Model of Inflammatory Pain. Pain, 161(9): 2129–2141.

Jager SE, Pallesen LT, Richner M, Harley P, Hore Z, McMahon S, Denk F*, Vaegter CB (2020). Changes in the transcriptional fingerprint of satellite glial cells following peripheral nerve injury. Glia, 68(7), 1375-1395.

Crow M, Denk F (2019). RNA-seq data in pain research-an illustrated guide. Pain 160(7), 1502-1504.

Hore Z, Denk F (2019). Neuroimmune interactions in chronic pain – An interdisciplinary perspective. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 79, 56-62.

Holland SD, Ramer LM, McMahon SB, Denk F, Ramer MS (2019). An ATF3-CreERT2 Knock-In Mouse for Axotomy-Induced Genetic Editing: Proof of Principle. eNeuro 6(2).

Saunders J*, Hore Z*, Gentry C, McMahon S, Denk F (2018). Negative Evidence for a Functional Role of Neuronal DNMT3a in Persistent Pain. Front Mol Neurosci, 11:332.

Fernandez-Zafra T, Gao T, Jurczak A, Sandor K, Hore Z, Agalave NM, Su J, Estelius J, Lampa J, Hokfelt T, Wiesenfeld-Hallin Z, Xu X, Denk F*, Svensson CI* (2018). Exploring the transcriptome of resident spinal microglia after collagen antibody-induced arthritis. Pain 160(1):224–236.

Hunter DV, Smaila BD, Lopes DM, Takatoh J, Denk F, Ramer MS (2018). Advillin Is Expressed in All Adult Neural Crest-Derived Neurons. eNeuro 5(5).

Tsantoulas C, Denk F, Signore M, Nassar MA, Futai K, McMahon SB (2018). Mice lacking Kcns1 in peripheral neurons show increased basal and neuropathic pain sensitivity. Pain 159(8):1641-1651.

Lopes DM*, Malek N*, Edye M, Jager SB, McMurray S, McMahon SB, Denk F (2017). Sex differences in peripheral not central immune responses to pain-inducing injury. Scientific Reports 28;7(1):16460.

Lai MC, Bechy AL, Denk F, Collins E, Gavriliouk M, Zaugg JB, Ryan BJ, Wade-Martins R, Caffrey TM (2017). Haplotype-specific MAPT exon 3 expression regulated by common intronic polymorphisms associated with Parkinsonian disorders. Mol Neurodegeneration 12(1):79.

Lopes D*, Denk F*, McMahon SB (2017). The Molecular Fingerprint of Dorsal Root and Trigeminal Ganglion Neurons. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 10:304.

Lunn TH, Dawes JM, Denk F, Bennett DL, Husted H, Kehlet H, McMahon SB (2017). Preoperative ultraviolet B inflammation in skin: Modelling individual differences in acute postoperative pain and neuro-immune interactions. Eur J Pain 22(1):170-180.

Denk F, Bennett DL, McMahon SB (2017). Nerve Growth Factor and Pain Mechanisms. Annu Rev Neurosci 40:307-325.

Vargas-Caballero M*, Denk F*, Wobst HJ*, Arch E, Pegasiou CM, Oliver PL, Shipton OA, Paulsen O, Wade-Martins R (2017). Wild-Type, but Not Mutant N296H, Human Tau Restores Aβ-Mediated Inhibition of LTP in Tau−/− mice. Front Neurosci 11:201.

Lopes DM, Denk F, Chisholm KI, Suddason T, Durrieux C, Thakur M, Gentry C, McMahon SB (2017). Peripheral inflammatory pain sensitisation is independent of mast cell activation in male mice. Pain 158(7):1314-1322.

Denk F (2017). Don't let useful data go to waste. Nature 543(7643):7.

Denk F, McMahon SB (2017). Neurobiological basis for pain vulnerability: why me? Pain, 158 Suppl 1:S108-S114.  

Wobst HJ*, Denk F*, Oliver PL, Livieratos A, Taylor TN, Knudsen MH, Bengoa-Vergniory N, Bannerman D, Wade-Martins R (2017). Increased 4R tau expression and behavioural changes in a novel MAPT-N296H genomic mouse model of tauopathy. Sci Rep 7:43198.

Denk F, Crow M, Didangelos A, Lopes DM, McMahon SB. Persistent alterations in microglial enhancers in a model of chronic pain (2016). Cell Reports 15, 1-11.

Denk F, Ramer L, Erskine EL, Nassar MA, Bogdanov Y, Signore M, Wood JN, McMahon SB, Ramer MS (2015). Tamoxifen induces cellular stress in the nervous system by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis. Acta Neuropathol Commun 3(1): 74.

Crow M, Khovanov N, Kelleher J, Sharma S, Grant A, Bogdanov Y, Wood JN, McMahon SB, Denk F (2015). HDAC4 is required for inflammation-associated thermal hypersensitivity. FASEB 29(8): 3370-3378.

Thakur M, Crow M, Burden N, Davey G, Levine E, Kelleher JH, Agley C, Denk F, Harridge S, McMahon SB (2014). Defining the nociceptor transcriptome. Front Mol Neurosci 7: 87.

Denk F, McMahon SB, Tracey I (2014). Pain vulnerability: a neurobiological perspective. Nat Neurosci 17(2): 192-200.

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Crow M, Denk F, McMahon SB (2013). Genes and epigenetic processes as prospective pain targets. Genome Med 5(2): 12.

Denk F, McMahon SB (2012). Chronic pain: emerging evidence for the involvement of epigenetics. Neuron 73(3): 435-44.

Shipton OA, Leitz JR, Dworzak J, Acton CE, Tunbridge EM, Denk F, Dawson HN, Vitek MP, Wade-Martins R, Paulsen O, Vargas-Caballero M (2010). Tau protein is required for amyloidβ-induced impairment of hippocampal long-term potentiation. J Neurosci 31(5): 1688-92.

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